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  3. Margaret Aylward Centre



Margaret Aylward Centre , Ireland

Our Advent Journey With Mary – Led by Marie Dunne CHF

A time to reflect with Mary as we journey through Advent. 7 December 2023 | 7.30 - 8.30pm | Donations Welcome   Sister Marie Dunne CHF is a member of the Congregation of the Holy Faith. With a background in education, chaplaincy and pastoral ministry, Marie...

Margaret Aylward Centre , Ireland

TAI CHI #5 – With Moira Langan

The ancient Chinese art of Tai Chi with self-paced gentle movements known as “Meditation in Motion”. Moira has had an interest in holistic therapies for many years. She is qualified as a Reflexologist, Massage Therapist, Indian Head Massage Therapist. A qualified Tai Chi Instructor for...

Margaret Aylward Centre , Ireland

Advent With The Women Who Wait – Led by Séan Goan

A day of reflection on the women from the Advent stories helping us to understand what Advent is all about, what it means to wait, and to prepare meaningfully for the coming of Christ.   Séan Goan is Scripture scholar with many years of work...

Margaret Aylward Centre , Ireland

Book Folding For Christmas

A chance to repurpose your old books, learn a new skill and create some Christmas decorations for your home!

Margaret Aylward Centre , Ireland

TAI CHI #4 – With Moira Langan

The ancient Chinese art of Tai Chi with self-paced gentle movements known as “Meditation in Motion”. Moira has had an interest in holistic therapies for many years. She is qualified as a Reflexologist, Massage Therapist, Indian Head Massage Therapist. A qualified Tai Chi Instructor for...

Margaret Aylward Centre , Ireland

TAI CHI #3 – With Moira Langan

The ancient Chinese art of Tai Chi with self-paced gentle movements known as “Meditation in Motion”. Moira has had an interest in holistic therapies for many years. She is qualified as a Reflexologist, Massage Therapist, Indian Head Massage Therapist. A qualified Tai Chi Instructor for...

Margaret Aylward Centre , Ireland

TAI CHI #2 – With Moira Langan

The ancient Chinese art of Tai Chi with self-paced gentle movements known as “Meditation in Motion”. Moira has had an interest in holistic therapies for many years. She is qualified as a Reflexologist, Massage Therapist, Indian Head Massage Therapist. A qualified Tai Chi Instructor for...

Margaret Aylward Centre , Ireland

Knit & Natter

An informal knitting group who gather together to knit and socialize. Providing an opportunity to share techniques, patterns, creating items for charity or community projects and ideas, as well as socializing with others who have a shared interest in knitting. Have a cuppa, a chat...

Margaret Aylward Centre , Ireland

Sacred Dance With Barbara Perry CHF

This course is suitable for those with no previous experience,  as well as those with a beginner’s mind!  Come as you are. Bring a friend and enjoy moving in a circle together to uplifting and inspiring music.  All dances and gentle movements will be clearly...

Margaret Aylward Centre , Ireland

TAI CHI #1 – With Moira Langan

The ancient Chinese art of Tai Chi with self-paced gentle movements known as “Meditation in Motion”. Moira has had an interest in holistic therapies for many years. She is qualified as a Reflexologist, Massage Therapist, Indian Head Massage Therapist. A qualified Tai Chi Instructor for...