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  3. Margaret Aylward Centre



Margaret Aylward Centre , Ireland

Friday Film Club #1 – “Miss Potter”

The story of Beatrix Potter, author of best-selling children's book "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" and her struggle for love, happiness and success. 24 February - Friday Film Club “Miss Potter” 31 March 2023 - Friday Film Club “The Book Thief” 5 May 2023 - Friday...

Margaret Aylward Centre , Ireland

Tai Chi With Moira Langan

The ancient Chinese art of Tai Chi with self-paced gentle movements known as “Meditation in Motion”. Moira has had an interest in holistic therapies for many years. She is qualified as a Reflexologist, Massage Therapist, Indian Head Massage Therapist. A qualified Tai Chi Instructor for...

Margaret Aylward Centre , Ireland

Women in the Church: How it Started How’s it going?…

This day of dialogue and discussion will focus on an important and challenging issue, which has assumed increased significance as the Synodal process continues. Its overall objective is to envision how to move beyond the current reality and to identify "next steps" in the process...

Margaret Aylward Centre , Ireland

Tai Chi With Moira Langan

The ancient Chinese art of Tai Chi with self-paced gentle movements known as “Meditation in Motion”. Moira has had an interest in holistic therapies for many years. She is qualified as a Reflexologist, Massage Therapist, Indian Head Massage Therapist. A qualified Tai Chi Instructor for...

Margaret Aylward Centre , Ireland

Knit & Natter

An informal knitting group who gather together to knit and socialize. Providing an opportunity to share techniques, patterns, creating items for charity or community projects and ideas, as well as socializing with others who have a shared interest in knitting. Have a cuppa, a chat...

Margaret Aylward Centre , Ireland

Changing The Light With SĂ©amus O’Connell

Frequently, Jesus and his good news are presented as something new, something from outside and beyond. While this is certainly true, its truth hides what could be considered a deeper truth: that what really makes a difference in our lives are the changes of perception...

Margaret Aylward Centre , Ireland

Tai Chi With Moira Langan

The ancient Chinese art of Tai Chi with self-paced gentle movements known as “Meditation in Motion”. Moira has had an interest in holistic therapies for many years. She is qualified as a Reflexologist, Massage Therapist, Indian Head Massage Therapist. A qualified Tai Chi Instructor for...

Margaret Aylward Centre , Ireland

Screening of “The Letter”

We are pleased to host a screening of “The Letter”. The evening will include discussion over some light refreshments.

Margaret Aylward Centre , Ireland

Tai Chi With Moira Langan

The ancient Chinese art of Tai Chi with self-paced gentle movements known as “Meditation in Motion”. Moira has had an interest in holistic therapies for many years. She is qualified as a Reflexologist, Massage Therapist, Indian Head Massage Therapist. A qualified Tai Chi Instructor for...

Margaret Aylward Centre , Ireland

Knit & Natter

An informal knitting group who gather together to knit and socialize. Providing an opportunity to share techniques, patterns, creating items for charity or community projects and ideas, as well as socializing with others who have a shared interest in knitting. Have a cuppa, a chat...

Margaret Aylward Centre , Ireland

Christian Meditation With David Ellison

Take a deep Breath. Build a room for silence in your daily life! LEARN to meditate with a group in the John Maine tradition. "Ignore all distractions and say your mantra from the beginning to the end of your meditation"

Margaret Aylward Centre , Ireland

Tai Chi With Moira Langan

The ancient Chinese art of Tai Chi with self-paced gentle movements known as “Meditation in Motion”. Moira has had an interest in holistic therapies for many years. She is qualified as a Reflexologist, Massage Therapist, Indian Head Massage Therapist. A qualified Tai Chi Instructor for...